Friday, February 14, 2020

Central Asia and Mughal India

Reminder: Your first film paper is due on Friday, 2/28. You might consider watching the film Jodhaa Akbar in conjunction with reading this chapter.

Chapter 10 (Central Asia and Mughal India)
  1. In what ways were the Mughals connected to Iran and the CentralAsia? How similar and different were China's and India's historic connections with Central Asia?
  2. How did the differing administrative styles and values of Akbar and Aurangzeb have different political results?
  3. How did the rule of the Mughals reflect their Central Asian roots? How was this both an advantage and disadvantage in India? How was this specifically demonstrated in repeated Mughal succession crises and their consequences?
  4. In what ways did Mughal architecture reflect a merging of native Indian and Persian cultures, along with the influence of Islam?
  5. Why were the Rajputs, Sikhs, and Marathas effective against Aurangzeb?
  6. How did commerce at the Mughal port of Surat reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the Asian economic system in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

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